We exist to support schools across our region, and beyond, to make better use of evidence to inform their teaching and learning. We aim to lead the way in the use of evidence-based practice, connecting and involving teachers and leaders with the latest research, and helping them make better use of evidence in order to implement ‘what has worked’ in their own classroom, to improve outcomes for pupils. In order to achieve this, we provide regular communication, events and training for teachers and leaders about how to improve classroom practice based on the best available evidence, and also support schools to measure the effectiveness of their work.
This year has been both a busy and productive one for the Kyra Research School. We have shared a wealth of resources and key information with schools relating to research-evidence and how to apply it, and we have also provided opportunities for teachers to engage in research first-hand through our Teacher-Led Research programme. As well as this, we have trained our first cohort of Evidence Leads in Education, who will provide ongoing support and advice to colleagues on research and evidence-based practice throughout the county.
Our work at Kyra Research School this year has also seen us reaching out beyond the county of Lincolnshire, working with teaching schools, school improvement services and local authorities in areas such as Rotherham, Derbyshire and Leicestershire. This is very exciting indeed, as it means the capacity which Kyra is creating, to enable schools to engage with research and evidence-based practice, continues to expand. Our hope is that this will lead to improved teaching and learning in as many schools as possible, ultimately making a real and positive impact to the lives of countless children.
James Siddle
Head of Kyra Research School
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